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Media player entity


This entry is incomplete. Contribution welcome.

A media player entity controls a media player. Derive a platform entity from homeassistant.components.media_player.MediaPlayerEntity.



Properties should always only return information from memory and not do I/O (like network requests). Implement update() or async_update() to fetch data.

app_idstr | NoneNoneID of the current running app.
app_namestr | NoneNoneName of the current running app.
device_classMediaPlayerDeviceClass | NoneNoneType of media player.
group_memberslist[str] | NoneNoneA dynamic list of player entities which are currently grouped together for synchronous playback. If the platform has a concept of defining a group leader, the leader should be the first element in that list.
is_volume_mutedbool | NoneNoneTrue if if volume is currently muted.
media_album_artiststr | NoneNoneAlbum artist of current playing media, music track only.
media_album_namestr | NoneNoneAlbum name of current playing media, music track only.
media_artiststr | NoneNoneArtist of current playing media, music track only.
media_channelstr | NoneNoneChannel currently playing.
media_content_idstr | NoneNoneContent ID of current playing media.
media_content_typeMediaType | str | NoneNoneContent type of current playing media.
media_durationint | NoneNoneDuration of current playing media in seconds.
media_episodestr | NoneNoneEpisode of current playing media, TV show only.
media_image_hashstr | NoneNoneHash of media image, defaults to SHA256 of media_image_url if media_image_url is not None.
media_image_remotely_accessiblebool | NoneFalseTrue if property media_image_url is accessible outside of the home network.
media_image_urlstr | NoneNoneImage URL of current playing media.
media_playliststr | NoneNoneTitle of Playlist currently playing.
media_positionint | NoneNonePosition of current playing media in seconds.
media_position_updated_atdatetime | NoneNoneTimestamp of when _attr_media_position was last updated. The timestamp should be set by calling homeassistant.util.dt.utcnow().
media_seasonstr | NoneNoneSeason of current playing media, TV show only.
media_series_titlestr | NoneNoneTitle of series of current playing media, TV show only.
media_titlestr | NoneNoneTitle of current playing media.
media_trackint | NoneNoneTrack number of current playing media, music track only.
repeatRepeatMode | str | NoneNoneCurrent repeat mode.
shufflebool | NoneNoneTrue if shuffle is enabled.
sound_modestr | NoneNoneThe current sound mode of the media player.
sound_mode_listlist[str] | NoneNoneDynamic list of available sound modes.
sourcestr | NoneNoneThe currently selected input source for the media player.
source_listlist[str] | NoneNoneThe list of possible input sources for the media player. (This list should contain human readable names, suitable for frontend display).
stateMediaPlayerState | NoneNoneState of the media player.
volume_levelfloat | NoneNoneVolume level of the media player in the range (0..1).
volume_stepfloat | None0.1Volume step to use for the volume_up and volume_down services.

Supported features

Supported features are defined by using values in the MediaPlayerEntityFeature enum and are combined using the bitwise or (|) operator.

BROWSE_MEDIAEntity allows browsing media.
CLEAR_PLAYLISTEntity allows clearing the active playlist.
GROUPINGEntity can be grouped with other players for synchronous playback.
MEDIA_ANNOUNCEEntity supports the play_media service's announce parameter.
MEDIA_ENQUEUEEntity supports the play_media service's enqueue parameter.
NEXT_TRACKEntity allows skipping to the next media track.
PAUSEEntity allows pausing the playback of media.
PLAYEntity allows playing/resuming playback of media.
PLAY_MEDIAEntity allows playing media sources.
PREVIOUS_TRACKEntity allows returning back to a previous media track.
REPEAT_SETEntity allows setting repeat.
SEEKEntity allows seeking position during playback of media.
SELECT_SOUND_MODEEntity allows selecting a sound mode.
SELECT_SOURCEEntity allows selecting a source/input.
SHUFFLE_SETEntity allows shuffling the active playlist.
STOPEntity allows stopping the playback of media.
TURN_OFFEntity is able to be turned off.
TURN_ONEntity is able to be turned on.
VOLUME_MUTEEntity volume can be muted.
VOLUME_SETEntity volume can be set to specific levels.
VOLUME_STEPEntity volume can be adjusted up and down.


The state of a media player is defined by using values in the MediaPlayerState enum, and can take the following possible values.

OFFEntity is turned off and is not accepting commands until turned on.
ONEntity is turned on, but no details on its state is currently known.
IDLEEntity is turned on and accepting commands, but currently not playing any media. Possibly at some idle home screen.
PLAYINGEntity is currently playing media.
PAUSEDEntity has an active media and is currently paused
STANDBYEntity is in a low power state, accepting commands.
BUFFERINGEntity is preparing to start playback of some media


Play media

Tells the media player to play media. Implement it using the following:

class MyMediaPlayer(MediaPlayerEntity):

def play_media(
media_type: str,
media_id: str,
enqueue: MediaPlayerEnqueue | None = None,
announce: bool | None = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Play a piece of media."""

async def async_play_media(
media_type: str,
media_id: str,
enqueue: MediaPlayerEnqueue | None = None,
announce: bool | None = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Play a piece of media."""

The enqueue attribute is a string enum MediaPlayerEnqueue:

  • add: add given media item to end of the queue
  • next: play the given media item next, keep queue
  • play: play the given media item now, keep queue
  • replace: play the given media item now, clear queue

When the announce boolean attribute is set to true, the media player should try to pause the current music, announce the media to the user and then resume the music.

Browse media

If the media player supports browsing media, it should implement the following method:

class MyMediaPlayer(MediaPlayerEntity):

async def async_browse_media(
self, media_content_type: str | None = None, media_content_id: str | None = None
) -> BrowseMedia:
"""Implement the websocket media browsing helper."""
return await media_source.async_browse_media(
content_filter=lambda item: item.media_content_type.startswith("audio/"),

If the media player also allows playing media from URLs, you can also add support for browsing Home Assistant media sources. These sources can be provided by any integration. Examples provide text-to-speech and local media.

from homeassistant.components import media_source
from homeassistant.components.media_player.browse_media import (

class MyMediaPlayer(MediaPlayerEntity):

async def async_browse_media(
self, media_content_type: str | None = None, media_content_id: str | None = None
) -> BrowseMedia:
"""Implement the websocket media browsing helper."""
# If your media player has no own media sources to browse, route all browse commands
# to the media source integration.
return await media_source.async_browse_media(
# This allows filtering content. In this case it will only show audio sources.
content_filter=lambda item: item.media_content_type.startswith("audio/"),

async def async_play_media(
media_type: str,
media_id: str,
enqueue: MediaPlayerEnqueue | None = None,
announce: bool | None = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Play a piece of media."""
if media_source.is_media_source_id(media_id):
media_type = MediaType.MUSIC
play_item = await media_source.async_resolve_media(self.hass, media_id, self.entity_id)
# play_item returns a relative URL if it has to be resolved on the Home Assistant host
# This call will turn it into a full URL
media_id = async_process_play_media_url(self.hass, play_item.url)

# Replace this with calling your media player play media function.
await self._media_player.play_url(media_id)

Select sound mode

Optional. Switch the sound mode of the media player.

class MyMediaPlayer(MediaPlayerEntity):
# Implement one of these methods.

def select_sound_mode(self, sound_mode):
"""Switch the sound mode of the entity."""

def async_select_sound_mode(self, sound_mode):
"""Switch the sound mode of the entity."""

Select source

Optional. Switch the selected input source for the media player.

class MyMediaPlayer(MediaPlayerEntity):
# Implement one of these methods.

def select_source(self, source):
"""Select input source."""

def async_select_source(self, source):
"""Select input source."""


Required. Returns one of the values from the MediaType enum that matches the mediatype

class MyMediaPlayer(MediaPlayerEntity):
# Implement the following method.

def media_content_type(self):
"""Content type of current playing media."""

Using the integration name as the media_content_type is also acceptable within the play_media service if the integration provides handling which does not map to the defined constants.

Available device classes

Optional. What type of media device is this. It will possibly map to google device types.

tvDevice is a television type device.
speakerDevice is speakers or stereo type device.
receiverDevice is audio video receiver type device taking audio and outputting to speakers and video to some display.

Proxy album art for media browser

Optional. If your media player is only accessible from the internal network, it will need to proxy the album art via Home Assistant to be able to work while away from home or through a mobile app.

To proxy an image via Home Assistant, set the thumbnail property of a BrowseMedia item to a url generated by the self.get_browse_image_url(media_content_type, media_content_id, media_image_id=None) method. The browser will then fetch this url, which will result in a call to async_get_browse_image(media_content_type, media_content_id, media_image_id=None).


Only use a proxy for the thumbnail if the web request originated from outside the network. You can test this with is_local_request(hass) imported from

In async_get_browse_image, use self._async_fetch_image(url) to fetch the image from the local network. Do not use self._async_fetch_image_from_cache(url) which should only be used to for the currently playing artwork.


Do not pass an url as media_image_id. This can allow an attacker to fetch any data from the local network.

class MyMediaPlayer(MediaPlayerEntity):

# Implement the following method.
async def async_get_browse_image(self, media_content_type, media_content_id, media_image_id=None):
"""Serve album art. Returns (content, content_type)."""
image_url = ...
return await self._async_fetch_image(image_url)

Grouping player entities together

Optional. If your player has support for grouping player entities together for synchronous playback (indicated by SUPPORT_GROUPING) one join and one unjoin method needs to be defined.

class MyMediaPlayer(MediaPlayerEntity):
# Implement one of these join methods:

def join_players(self, group_members):
"""Join `group_members` as a player group with the current player."""

async def async_join_players(self, group_members):
"""Join `group_members` as a player group with the current player."""

# Implement one of these unjoin methods:

def unjoin_player(self):
"""Remove this player from any group."""

async def async_unjoin_player(self):
"""Remove this player from any group."""