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State management

Every integration that provides entities to Home Assistant has to manage the state of those entities. There are several ways to manage the state, and on this page we will discuss the different options and when to use them.


The DataUpdateCoordinator is a common pattern where the data retrieval is done in a centralized part of the integration. It is an easy way to manage the state when there are more entities that depend on the same data. The entities that are going to be attached to the coordinator, will have to inherit the CoordinatorEntity class. This class will take care of making sure the entity will update when the data of the coordinator is updated.

How to use it

A common practice is to inherit DataUpdateCoordinator in an integration specific class and place it in Below are examples for both pull and push based integrations.

In the following example, we have an integration that fetches data from an API every 15 minutes. _async_update_data is the method that will be called every time the data needs to be updated.

class ExampleCoordinator(DataUpdateCoordinator[ExampleData]):
"""Class to manage fetching example data from an API."""

def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant, api: ExampleApi) -> None:
self.api = api

async def _async_update_data(self) -> ExampleData:
"""Update data via library."""
return await self.api.async_get_data()
except ExampleApiError as err:
raise UpdateFailed(f"Error communicating with API: {err}") from err

class ExampleSensor(CoordinatorEntity[ExampleCoordinator], SensorEntity):
"""Define an example sensor."""

def __init__(self, coordinator: ExampleCoordinator) -> None:

def native_value(self) -> StateType:
"""Return the state of the sensor."""

Both examples are using type enhancements using the generics in the DataUpdateCoordinator and CoordinatorEntity classes. DataUpdateCoordinator[ExampleData] means that the type of is of type ExampleData. CoordinatorEntity[ExampleCoordinator] means that the type of ExampleSensor.coordinator is of type ExampleCoordinator. This will help tooling to find type errors and it will help IDEs to provide better autocompletion.

When to use it

The coordinator is a good choice when you have multiple entities that depend on the same data. It is a flexible pattern to manage the state of the entities in a centralized way.


Sometimes it's better to create multiple coordinators. Good examples of this are:

  1. When you have multiple data sources that are not related to each other.
  2. When you have data that is updated at different intervals.

This could lead to a coordinator per device or per data source.