Climate entity
A climate entity controls temperature, humidity, or fans, such as A/C systems and humidifiers. Derive a platform entity from homeassistant.components.climate.ClimateEntity
Properties should always only return information from memory and not do I/O (like network requests). Implement update()
or async_update()
to fetch data.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
current_humidity | float | None | None | The current humidity. |
current_temperature | float | None | None | The current temperature. |
fan_mode | str | None | Required by SUPPORT_FAN_MODE | The current fan mode. |
fan_modes | list[str] | None | Required by SUPPORT_FAN_MODE | The list of available fan modes. |
hvac_action | HVACAction | None | None | The current HVAC action (heating, cooling) |
hvac_mode | HVACMode | None | Required | The current operation (e.g. heat, cool, idle). Used to determine state . |
hvac_modes | list[HVACMode] | Required | List of available operation modes. See below. |
max_humidity | float | DEFAULT_MAX_HUMIDITY (value == 99) | The maximum humidity. |
max_temp | float | DEFAULT_MAX_TEMP (value == 35 °C) | The maximum temperature in temperature_unit . |
min_humidity | float | DEFAULT_MIN_HUMIDITY (value == 30) | The minimum humidity. |
min_temp | float | DEFAULT_MIN_TEMP (value == 7 °C) | The minimum temperature in temperature_unit . |
precision | float | According to temperature_unit | The precision of the temperature in the system. Defaults to tenths for TEMP_CELSIUS, whole number otherwise. |
preset_mode | str | None | Required by SUPPORT_PRESET_MODE | The current active preset. |
preset_modes | list[str] | None | Required by SUPPORT_PRESET_MODE | The available presets. |
swing_mode | str | None | Required by SUPPORT_SWING_MODE | The swing setting. |
swing_modes | list[str] | None | Required by SUPPORT_SWING_MODE | Returns the list of available swing modes. |
target_humidity | float | None | None | The target humidity the device is trying to reach. |
target_temperature | float | None | None | The temperature currently set to be reached. |
target_temperature_high | float | None | Required by TARGET_TEMPERATURE_RANGE | The upper bound target temperature |
target_temperature_low | float | None | Required by TARGET_TEMPERATURE_RANGE | The lower bound target temperature |
target_temperature_step | float | None | None | The supported step size a target temperature can be increased or decreased |
temperature_unit | str | Required | The unit of temperature measurement for the system (TEMP_CELSIUS or TEMP_FAHRENHEIT ). |
HVAC modes
You are only allowed to use the built-in HVAC modes, provided by the HVACMode
enum. If you want another mode, add a preset instead.
Name | Description |
HVACMode.OFF | The device is turned off. |
HVACMode.HEAT | The device is set to heat to a target temperature. |
HVACMode.COOL | The device is set to cool to a target temperature. |
HVACMode.HEAT_COOL | The device is set to heat/cool to a target temperature range. |
HVACMode.AUTO | The device is set to a schedule, learned behavior, AI. |
HVACMode.DRY | The device is set to dry/humidity mode. |
HVACMode.FAN_ONLY | The device only has the fan on. No heating or cooling taking place. |
HVAC action
The HVAC action describes the current action. This is different from the mode, because if a device is set to heat, and the target temperature is already achieved, the device will not be actively heating anymore. It is only allowed to use the built-in HVAC actions, provided by the HVACAction
Name | Description |
HVACAction.OFF | Device is turned off. |
HVACAction.PREHEATING | Device is preheating. |
HVACAction.HEATING | Device is heating. |
HVACAction.COOLING | Device is cooling. |
HVACAction.DRYING | Device is drying. |
HVACAction.FAN | Device has fan on. |
HVACAction.IDLE | Device is idle. |
A device can have different presets that it might want to show to the user. Common presets are "Away" or "Eco". There are a couple of built-in presets that will offer translations, but you're also allowed to add custom presets.
Name | Description |
NONE | No preset is active |
ECO | Device is running an energy-saving mode |
AWAY | Device is in away mode |
BOOST | Device turn all valve full up |
COMFORT | Device is in comfort mode |
HOME | Device is in home mode |
SLEEP | Device is prepared for sleep |
ACTIVITY | Device is reacting to activity (e.g. movement sensors) |
Fan modes
A device's fan can have different states. There are a couple of built-in fan modes, but you're also allowed to use custom fan modes.
Name |
Swing modes
The device fan can have different swing modes that it wants the user to know about/control.
Name | Description |
SWING_OFF | The fan is not swinging. |
SWING_ON | The fan is swinging. |
SWING_VERTICAL | The fan is swinging vertical. |
SWING_HORIZONTAL | The fan is swinging horizontal. |
SWING_BOTH | The fan is swinging both horizontal and vertical. |
Supported features
Supported features are defined by using values in the ClimateEntityFeature
and are combined using the bitwise or (|
) operator.
Value | Description |
TARGET_TEMPERATURE | The device supports a target temperature. |
TARGET_TEMPERATURE_RANGE | The device supports a ranged target temperature. Used for HVAC modes heat_cool and auto |
TARGET_HUMIDITY | The device supports a target humidity. |
FAN_MODE | The device supports fan modes. |
PRESET_MODE | The device supports presets. |
SWING_MODE | The device supports swing modes. |
TURN_ON | The device supports turn on. |
TURN_OFF | The device supports turn off. |
Set HVAC mode
class MyClimateEntity(ClimateEntity):
# Implement one of these methods.
def set_hvac_mode(self, hvac_mode):
"""Set new target hvac mode."""
async def async_set_hvac_mode(self, hvac_mode):
"""Set new target hvac mode."""
Turn on
class MyClimateEntity(ClimateEntity):
# Implement one of these methods.
# The `turn_on` method should set `hvac_mode` to any other than
# `HVACMode.OFF` by optimistically setting it from the service handler
# or with the next state update
def turn_on(self):
"""Turn the entity on."""
async def async_turn_on(self):
"""Turn the entity on."""
Turn off
class MyClimateEntity(ClimateEntity):
# Implement one of these methods.
# The `turn_off` method should set `hvac_mode` to `HVACMode.OFF` by
# optimistically setting it from the service handler or with the next state update
def turn_off(self):
"""Turn the entity off."""
async def async_turn_off(self):
"""Turn the entity off."""
class MyClimateEntity(ClimateEntity):
# It's not mandatory to implement the `toggle` method as the base implementation
# will call `turn_on`/`turn_off` according to the current HVAC mode.
# If implemented, the `toggle` method should set `hvac_mode` to the right `HVACMode` by
# optimistically setting it from the service handler or with the next state update.
def toggle(self):
"""Toggle the entity."""
async def async_toggle(self):
"""Toggle the entity."""
Set preset mode
class MyClimateEntity(ClimateEntity):
# Implement one of these methods.
def set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode):
"""Set new target preset mode."""
async def async_set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode):
"""Set new target preset mode."""
Set fan mode
class MyClimateEntity(ClimateEntity):
# Implement one of these methods.
def set_fan_mode(self, fan_mode):
"""Set new target fan mode."""
async def async_set_fan_mode(self, fan_mode):
"""Set new target fan mode."""
Set humidity
class MyClimateEntity(ClimateEntity):
# Implement one of these methods.
def set_humidity(self, humidity):
"""Set new target humidity."""
async def async_set_humidity(self, humidity):
"""Set new target humidity."""
Set swing mode
class MyClimateEntity(ClimateEntity):
# Implement one of these methods.
def set_swing_mode(self, swing_mode):
"""Set new target swing operation."""
async def async_set_swing_mode(self, swing_mode):
"""Set new target swing operation."""
Set temperature
class MyClimateEntity(ClimateEntity):
# Implement one of these methods.
def set_temperature(self, **kwargs):
"""Set new target temperature."""
async def async_set_temperature(self, **kwargs):
"""Set new target temperature."""