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Button entity

A button entity is an entity that can fire an event / trigger an action towards a device or service but remains stateless from the Home Assistant perspective. It can be compared to a real live momentary switch, push-button, or some other form of a stateless switch. It is, however, not suitable for implementing actual physical buttons; the sole purpose of a button entity is to provide a virtual button inside Home Assistant.

A switch button entity is derived from the homeassistant.components.button.ButtonEntity, and can be helpful for controlling device features like (but not limited to):

  • Upgrading firmware
  • Reboot/Restart a device
  • Brew a cup of coffee
  • Reset something (like a counter, filter usage)

If you want to represent something that can be turned on and off (and thus have an actual state), you should use a switch entity instead. If you want to integrate a real, physical, stateless button device in Home Assistant, you can do so by firing custom events. The entity button entity isn't suitable for these cases.


As this integration is stateless, it doesn't provide any specific properties for itself. Other properties that are common to all entities such as device_class, icon, name etc are still applicable.



The press method can be used to trigger an action towards a device or service. It is called by Home Assistant when the user presses the button or the service to press the button has been called.

class MyButton(ButtonEntity):
# Implement one of these methods.

def press(self) -> None:
"""Handle the button press."""

async def async_press(self) -> None:
"""Handle the button press."""

Available device classes

Optionally specifies what type of entity it is. It will possibly map to Google device types.

ButtonDeviceClass.IDENTIFYThe button entity identifies a device.
ButtonDeviceClass.RESTARTThe button entity restarts the device.
ButtonDeviceClass.UPDATEThe button entity updates the software of the device. The use of this device class should be avoided, please consider using the update entity instead.